Sunday, May 3, 2020

Welcome to my blogspot.
Here I am to share my story with you.

The Portals: Triangular World

The day was as normal as other but when Winkler found an old book in his house with three pages with some prehistoric writing in it that his father was not able to solve, he starts a quest with his team to solve the mystery.
The mystery in turn is about the portals used to enter some other realms. Unknown about the consequences they opens a portal by somehow solving the mystery, which leads them to other realm, a demonic realm full of scorchs, devilish and fiendish creatures.
They need to find a way to escape with doing some sort of deals with the gods as the gods  are equal and non participating in their activities.
So will they escape or will they kill them all or will they die nobody knows.

Link to chapter 1: Book 3:-